
This is your city.
This is your history.
This is your future.

Use TIMELAYERS to inscribe fragments of the past and projects of the future into physical urban space and help change how we perceive cities.
TIMELAYERS turns urban space into an immersive exhibition of past and future. The city becomes a museum that preserves and brings to life urban memory of citizens and visitors in an inclusive and participatory process.


TIMELAYERS has at its basis an understanding of the city as urban palimpsest. A palimpsest is an antique or medieval piece of writing from which the original text has been erased and overwritten with new text. The example of the Archimedes palimpsest shows that layers of earlier texts are not always completely erased and that fragments of another time have the potential of unlocking secrets of the future. Our cities are urban palimpsests, consisting of various layers across time. Urban layers are made of urban memory and local history which emerge from everyday social and cultural practice, made accessible through TimeLayers' visual, audio and video information. TimeLayers opens up new avenues of understanding the city and its cultural diversity to which citizens, scholars and visitors can contribute. The act of unforgetting the past an looking into the future is necessary and desirable toward inclusive, participatory city-making and urban living.

TIMELAYERS is a web and mobile platform for public, scholars and professionals invested in developing a critical understanding for urban transformation processes toward a sustainable urban and cultural future of our cities. It encourages inclusionary, participatory planning strategies. TIMELAYERS raises sensibility for urban and cultural heritage and makes aware of the erasure of historical and cultural assets and neighborhood memory through urban transformation. It acts as online memory for overwritten layers and enables access to past and future information of our city.

Currently in its test phase, TIMELAYERS will offer solutions for individuals, institutions and businesses interested and engaged in the production, research, and improvement of our urban spaces.


TimeLabs is a community of institutions invested in the collecting, preserving and expanding urban memory. TimeLabs all around the world contribute to the growing platform of TimeLayers and encourage your individual contribution and your sharing of personal memory and history.
Please contact us if you are interested in participating.


Aylin B. Yildirim Tschoepe
CEO, Dr. of Design, Urban Studies/Anthropology

Luis Alberto Barradas Chacón
CIO, Fullstack Developer

Dominic Tschoepe
CCO, Architect and Photographer